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Featuring: Gay Asian Pasco Washington - Join Our Free Singles Site Today!

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Feature Members that have just signed up:


Age 32 From Tacoma, Washington - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (2017 Miles Away)

I'm single guy, looking for the right man

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looking for dates and friends.

Age 48 From Seattle, Washington - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (2009 Miles Away)

laid back romantic, love exploring and trying new things. Hike camping on the good days, on the rainy days reading board games or video games

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LTR oriented, Dates?

Age 34 From Federal Way, Washington - Online Today
Man Seeking A Man (2007 Miles Away)

Love to smile, light hearted, and very sensual. I would like to build a strong foundation with a special guy, are you the one (LTR)?! Type you take home to see parents. Dates? Someone with substance. Tell me what you desire.

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Here's to new adventures

Age 53 From Seattle, Washington - Online Last 24 Hours
Man Seeking A Man (2008 Miles Away)

Hi guys. I've been absent from the dating pool for quite awhile now but ready to get back in. I definitely work more than I play, but would like to balance that out. I am easy going, but direct. I think we're all looking for that right match, and...

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seeking good friends fun times

Age 42 From Seattle, Washington - Online Today
Man Seeking A Man (2008 Miles Away)

I am an active, articulate person, in good shape, fun and inventive, caring too. I am seeking asian guys that are good friends and are in good shape and fun

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Big man seattle

Age 55 From Beacon Hill, Washington - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (2006 Miles Away)

White guy looking for Asian guys for NSA play. Into lots of things, approachable, just ask. Big chest, legs, more bottom.

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Great Chat room for Gay Asian Pasco Washington!

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