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Featuring: Gay Asian Romeoville Illinois - Join Our Free Singles Website Now!

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Looking for FWB or BF

Age 44 From Chicago, Illinois - Online Now
Man Seeking A Man (280 Miles Away)

Tall Fluffy Bear looking for shorter twink/otter/average type, 25-35 years old, for a regular FWB or possibly BF. I enjoy cuddles, cooking, reading, game nights with friends. Very kink friendly for those so inclined as long as it is safe/sane.

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New to site

Age 48 From Savoy, Illinois - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (278 Miles Away)

Someone funny, sweet and kind would be awesome

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Looking for Mr. Right

Age 46 From Chicago, Illinois - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (281 Miles Away)

I'm just a nice guy with a strong attraction to Asian men. I enjoy travel, hangin out with friends, music and movies of all types. Most importantly I enjoy being with that special person in my life.

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hmmm interesting haha xP

Age 36 From Glenview, Illinois - Online Last 24 Hours
Man Seeking A Man (290 Miles Away)

instead of me going off about myself and how real i am, why not just take a chance to get to know me instead? then you can be the judge of my character =) i think its a lot easier than trying to size someone up by what they write..cuz no one is gonna...

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looking fora friend and eventual partner

Age 31 From Chicago, Illinois - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (275 Miles Away)

Im Hispanic and proud of my heritage. Im currently going to school and studying computer science. I am a good listener and like to help others when they are in trouble. Im 19, but still a kid at heart, so I love video games and tokusatsu tv shows.

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black puerto rican looking

Age 46 From San Jose, Illinois - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (349 Miles Away)

forhis sincere mate are you him i am 67 tall 2300 lbs 8.785 length x 7.75 girth uncut you just be beautiful in mind and body. no gamers, sxcammers,etc,. you kniow who you are just move along nothing here for yoyu. no pic= no response from me.

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